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The Learning Center is designed to teach you everything about shipping. Start with beginner classes and end with expert level knowledge.
Beginner Classes

Shipping 101:
Intro to Shipping
You need to get your product from point A to point B, and there are a filename of carriers that can help with that. We'll cover the basics about shipping including address, insurance, requesting pickups, to tracking and monitoring.
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Shipping 102:
Your Packaging Responsibilities
Packaging your items seems simple enough, but ensuring that a shipment's contents are sufficiently insulated from impacts and other sources of damage is an important step in the shipping process.
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Shipping 103:
Weight? Dimensional Weight? Billable Weight?
In shipping, weight, dimensional weight, and billable weight all have different but important meanings. We'll explain their importance in this lesson.
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Shipping 104:
How to prevent packages from getting lost
Your first priority should be to eliminate avoidable issues such as losses and delays. Whether it's eventually found or not, a lost package typically results in substantial delays.
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Shipping 105:
How to reduce your shipping costs
Shipping is becoming a bigger part of small businesses than ever before and there's only one thing that's more important than that: free shipping.
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Shipping 106:
Reducing risk of delays
When you ship, you're depending on the carrier to get your box to its destination on time. While there will always be unexpected delays, there are some things you can do to cut down on that risk.
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Shipping 107:
What can and cannot be shipped
Most items can be shipped without any issues, but each carrier has a set of things they either restrict or prohibit entirely.
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Shipping 108:
Tracking is a great way to stay updated on your package's progress, but how exactly does it work?
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Shipping 201:
Insurance - Ensuring your packages are covered for loss or damage
A small percentage of packages will likely be lost, damaged, or destroyed. If those items are valuable, shipping insurance will make sure you're compensated for any loss. There are some things you need to do to ensure that you have coverage.
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Shipping 202:
The basics of sending packages internationally
Shipping between countries is generally more restrictive than domestic shipping and brings some new challenges and regulations. We'll cover the basics of international shipping in this lesson.
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Shipping 203:
The Commercial Invoice - Your shipment passport
An improperly or incompletely filled out Commercial Invoice can lead to significant issues during shipping including: delays, returns, and fines. We'll dig into the Commercial Invoice in this lesson.
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Shipping 204:
Duties and Taxes Explained
We'll break down the different types of landed costs your shipments can encounter and show you how you can estimate the landed costs ahead of time.
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Shipping 205:
International Shipping Responsibilities
You have some responsibilities as an shipper, especially if you're shipping internationally. We'll take a closer look at that here to give you a better idea of how to prevent them from interfering with your shipments.
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Shipping 206:
Common International Shipping Documents
It's important for anyone who regularly sends packages internationally, to be familiar with the common shipping forms.
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Shipping 207:
Importing Shipments
While the sender is required to submit accurate and complete documentation accompanying a shipment, the receiver is generally the one responsible for any duties and taxes related to the package.
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Shipping 208:
International Commercial (INCO) Terms
Who will pay for the shipping? What about the insurance? Up to what point? How about duties and taxes? These are all great questions and are especially important when settling the terms of sale with a buyer of your product.
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