Not all types of shipments are created equal. Shipping a television will
require different paperwork, duties, and taxes than shipping an accounting
statement, for example.
Here is a list of the most common types of shipments:
You can also skip ahead to the table containing the list of
Commonly Required Documents.
Croatia allows the following items into the country as a document
- Airline tickets
- Annual reports and intercompany mail
- Blueprints
- Brochures and price lists
- Cheques
- Computer print-outs
- Credit cards
- Diplomas
- Drawings, including sepia drawings
- Driver's licence
- Negotiable bonds, cash letters, and drafts
- Newspapers and publications
- Photographs
- Proposals and bids
- Seismic data
- Specifications sheets
- Traveller's cheques
- Visa applications and passports
Croatian authorities will allow entry to the tabled items below as a
document shipment if they abide by the criteria shown:
Document Type | Restriction |
Envelopes | Must be blank |
Event tickets (stage performances, concerts, football matches,
etc.) | Maximum shipment weight of 3 kg, and they cannot be sent to the
event organiser or ticket sales office from the printing company |
Examination papers | Parcel can weigh no more than 5 kg |
Forms | Only if they are blank |
Graphs | Only if value of shipment is $10 USD or less (about $13 CAD) |
Newsletters | Only if for intercompany use |
Samples | Value of shipment must be no more than $10 USD (about $13 CAD) |
Stationery | Must be blank |
Gift shipments from Canada are allowed into Croatia duty and VAT free
- The value of the shipment is no more than €45 (about $65 CAD)
- They are sent from one individual to another individual without any
expectation of payment for the goods
- The gift is for the use of the recipient or his or her family
- The shipment is non-commercial in nature, i.e. the contents are not
for sale
Gifts of the following items are allowed duty and VAT exemption when
sent to Croatia provided they abide by the outlined quantities.
Gift | Quantity limits |
Tobacco products | - 40 cigarettes; or
- 20 cigarillos (max. weight of 3 g per cigarillo); or
- 10 cigars; or
- 50 g of tobacco;
- Or a proportional amount of the above items
Alcoholic beverages | - 1 L of spirits with 22% alcohol or more; or
- 1 L sparking, dessert wines; and aperitifs, sake, tafia with
more than 22% alcohol, or a proportional amount of these
products; and
- 2 L of still wine
Perfumes | 50 mL perfume or 250 mL of eau de toilette |
Shipments from Individual-to-Individual
A gift shipped from an individual in Canada to an individual in
Croatia will be exempt from VAT and duty charges provided:
- Only the recipient or his or her family uses or benefits from the
- No exchange of monies occurs as a result of the shipment
- The shipment's content are not sold, i.e. it is a non-commercial
- The value of the goods is a maximum of €45 (about $65 CAD)
Particular gifts have quantity limitations in addition to the value
maximum. These products are shown in the table below:
Gift | Quantity limits |
Perfumes | 250 mL of eau de toilette or 50 mL of perfume |
Tobacco products | - 10 cigars; or
- 50 g of tobacco; or
- 20 cigarillos (max. weight of 3 g per cigarillo); or
- 40 cigarettes; or
- A proportional amount of the above items
Alcoholic beverages | - 2 L of still wine; and
- 1 L sparking, dessert wines; and aperitifs, sake, tafia with
more than 22% alcohol, or a proportional amount of these
products; or
- 1 L of spirits with 22% alcohol or more
Shipments from Business-to-Business
A gift shipment from a business in Canada to a business in Croatia
will incur duty and taxes regardless of the value of the gift.
Shipments from Business-to-Individual
If a business in Canada were to ship a gift to an individual in
Croatia, the shipment will have VAT and duty charges applied to it.
Gift Checklist
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
- The words 'Gift Shipment' or 'Unsolicited Gift' are included on the
commercial invoice, even if the shipment is sent at Christmas time (see sample)
- List the items in the parcel and write the value of each
- Sending more than one gift in the parcel? Wrap and tag each one
Sample Commercial Invoice for Gifts
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Personal Shipment / Gift Shipment
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Gift Shipment: LEGO Star Wars Rebel UWing Fighter, 659 piece set
| CA | $79.99 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Gifts Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $79.99 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Multiple Gifts in One Shipment
If a shipment contains 2 or more gifts each of which has a value of
300 kuna or more (about $65 CAD), only the gifts whose value adds up
to 300 kuna (or less) will be duty-free.
Also, be sure to wrap and tag each gift separately.
Sample Commercial Invoice for Gifts
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Unsolicited Gift: Consolidated Gift Package
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Gift - Roger: LEGO Star Wars Rebel UWing Fighter, 659 piece set
| CA | $39.99 |
1 Each | Gift - Erica: Handwoven French Canadian Catalogne Blanket
| CA | $49.99 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Gifts Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $89.98 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Personal effects shipped to Croatia from Canada by Canadian and
Croatian citizens may enter exempt from duty charges provided:
- The beneficiary has lived outside of Croatia for a minimum of 1 year
- The imported goods were owned and used by the individual for at
least 6 months
- The items in the shipment are only for the use by the beneficiary
and his or her family
- The shipment does not contain tobacco products, alcoholic beverages,
or tools and instruments for professional purposes
Allowable duty-free items include:
- Furniture and appliances
- Kitchen implements and materials for serving food
- Bicycles and other sports equipment
- Clothing and footwear
Moving Temporarily
There is no information at this time concerning students moving
temporarily to Croatia, and importing their personal effects for the
purposes of academic studies.
Non-students, whether Croatian or Canadian citizens, who live in
Canada may ship their personal effects duty-free for a temporary stay
in Croatia. Suspension of import duties is allowed provided:
- The goods are only for the use of the applicant or his or her family
- The items leave Croatia when the stay terminates
- Nothing in the shipment is for commercial purposes, i.e. for sale or
A duty-free shipment for a temporary stay may include:
- Portable televisions
- Audio devices and video equipment
- Sports equipment - skis, skates, camping and hiking gear, scuba gear
- Portable medical equipment, including accessories
Moving Permanently
Citizens of both Canada and Croatia who return to Croatia to live
permanently are allowed to do so without payment of import duties on
their personal effects.
Duty exemption is allowed under the following conditions:
- The claimant has lived in Canada or outside the EU for at least 12
- The goods are used and have been owned by the claimant for a minimum
of 6 months
- Only the claimant or his or her family will be using the items in
the shipment once they settle in Croatia
A shipment of duty-free personal effects may include:
- Footwear and clothing
- Equipment, appliances, and implements needed to prepare and serve
- Appliances, furniture, rugs, and decorations used in the living
- Sports equipment, including bicycles
The following items are not
eligible for a duty exemption:
- Tools and instruments that are intended for professional activities
- Alcoholic beverages
- Tobacco and tobacco products
Personal Effects Checklist
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
- Commercial invoice must clearly state 'Personal Effects' (see sample)
- A detailed description of each item is provided (two copies)
- A certificate that confirms the individual has lived outside of
Croatia for a minimum of 12 months
- Documents to show that the personal effects have been owned for at
least 6 months before entering Croatia
- Documentation to show registered residence in Croatia
Sample Commercial Invoice for Personal Effects
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Personal effects being delivered to my new address.
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
5 Pairs | Personal Effects: 5 pairs of various types of shoes
| IN | $40.00 |
1 Each | Personal Effects: Arc'terix Winter Jacket
| CA | $478.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Personal Effects Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $678.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
The EU has strict rules governing the entrance of foodstuffs, and all
food shipments entering Croatia will be examined by Croatian customs
authorities. Food shipments in excess of the stated quantity limits
below would require veterinary certificates to enter the country.
You May Ship
- Honey (max. 2 kg)
- Special foods for medical purposes, infant food, including powdered
milk (max. 2 kg)
- Small quantities of smoked, dried, marinated fish and seafood
- Chocolate
- Candy
- Baked goods, pastry
Do Not Ship
- Meat and meat byproducts
- Dairy products
- Perishables
Food, Chocolate, Candies Checklist
- Clearly indicate 'Food' on the commercial invoice in the General Description
or Remarks section (see sample)
- Ensure that your food, chocolate, or candies may be imported into the
- You are not shipping commercial quantities (for any duty & tax exemption)
- Check with your carrier that they will accept food shipments
Sample Commercial Invoice for Food, Chocolate, Candies
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Food Shipment - Assorted chocolate bars in their original manufacturer's packaging
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Box | Nestle Chocolate Bars in original packaging expiring May 2021 (shelf life of 6 months or longer)
| CA | $20.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Permanent / Sold Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $20.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Commercial samples are shipped to demonstrate products and solicit
orders for them. To be eligible for a duty-free entry into Croatia,
the samples must:
- Have little value; and
- Be made unsellable through indelible marking or other means
- Are not to be sold
Samples may include instructional printed matter that is distributed
without charge at public exhibitions - industrial trade fairs,
international meetings, scientific symposia, etc.
Consumable Samples
Samples of food and drink that will be given out to visitors at a
trade fair or similar event are allowed duty-free entry into Croatia
- They are packaged in quantities smaller than what would sold in
- They are distributed to participants at no charge and consumed at
the event itself
- They have no commercial value, i.e. cannot be sold
- They are imported in a quantity that is suitable for the size of the
event and the number of expected visitors
Commercial Sample Checklist
- A Commercial Invoice must be included with your shipment
- Clearly indicate 'Commercial Samples' on the commercial invoice in the
General Description & Detailed Description of Goods (see sample)
- The item shipped has tearing, perforation, slashing, defacing, or has
permanent marking clearing indicating the item as commercial sample
Sample Commercial Invoice for Commercial Sample
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Commercial Sample - Not for Resale
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Box | Commercial Sample - Advanced reading copy of Dan Brown's novel.
| CA | $20.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Commercial Sample Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $20.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Advertising material shipped to Croatia from Canada will be allowed a
duty-free entry into the country if the following conditions are met:
- It is labelled with the company's name and the goods or services
- The company or person offering the services is in Canada
- A shipment contains only 1 document, or the total parcel weight is 1
kg or less
- The materials are given or sent to customers at no charge
- They have no monetary value and only can used for advertising
Advertising material can take the form of:
- Price lists
- Catalogues
- Instructional guidelines
- Touristic promotions
Advertising Material Checklist
- Commercial invoice must clearly indicate 'Promotional Material - Not for
Resale' (see sample)
- A detailed description of each item is provided
Sample Commercial Invoice for Promotional Material
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Promotional Material - Not for Resale
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Promotional Material: Not for Resale. Product pamphlets to hand out at trade show.
| CA | $163.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Promotional Material Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $163.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
The free trade agreement between Canada and the EU (CETA) means that
machinery and equipment repaired in Croatia under warranty will be
duty-free and exempt from GST when they re-enter Canada.
Items Under Warranty
CETA - the free trade agreement between Canada and the EU - allows for
items repaired under warranty a duty and GST exemption when they are
shipped back to Canada.
Items No Longer Under Warranty
Equipment, machinery, and instruments that are no longer under
warranty will be liable to duty and taxes when the items are returned
to their country of origin.
Sending Product for Repair to Croatia
Equipment sent to Croatia for repair will be liable to duty and GST
upon its return to Canada unless the work was done under a warranty.
Returning Repaired Product to Croatia
Provided equipment is under a warranty, it will be readmitted to
Croatia exempt from duty charges.
Repair Checklist
- Commercial invoice must clearly indicate 'REPAIR & RETURN' under the General
Description or Remarks, and include the estimated time of return(see sample)
- Include repair contract with shipment
- Serial or product number and the cost of repairs should be indicated under
the Detailed Description of Goods section
- Include the original shipping documents or tracking number from when the
item was first exported to Croatia or exported to Canada (depending on
which case applies)
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
Sample Commercial Invoice for Warranty Repair
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Repair and Return - Watch being sent for repair
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Fossil Watch being sent for repair - Model E5, serial # 789456FG7E2 - Repair Cost $76.00
| US | $163.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Warranty Repair Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $163.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Goods imported into Croatia temporarily may do so exempt from duty
only if:
- They remain in the country for no longer than 2 years (an extension
may be allowed if circumstances are warranted)
- They are unchanged during their stay in Croatia aside from normal
Goods typically shipped as a temporary import include:
- Commercial samples
- Equipment and machine whose only purpose is to advertise product
- Professional equipment and instruments
- Items for display at conventions, symposia, meetings, trade fairs,
Qualifying for Duty & Tax Free Temporary Import
In order to import your goods duty and tax free into Croatia, you can
pick from 1 of the 2 Temporary Import Methods listed below.
Each option has its pros and cons. Regardless, each of the following
methods requires you to complete a commercial invoice. More details
are shown in the table.
Option # | Temporary Import Method | Risk of paying |
1 | Commercial Invoice Only (no other documentation is provided) | High - if broker cannot clear goods temporarily |
2 | Commercial Invoice + ATA Carnet | Very Low |
| 1. Complete a Commercial Invoice (CI) only
This is the simplest and quickest option.
See example. NOTE: You should be aware that shipping using this
method doesn't guarantee that your items will be imported duty/tax
free. Not all brokers will clear goods as temporary imports (i.e. UPS,
Fedex, DHL) nor is it a guarantee that customs won't charge any duties
and taxes. 2. Commercial Invoice (CI) + an ATA Carnet
Completing an ATA Carnet is great option for items that frequently travel
in and out of the country. It's also great because once you have an ATA
Carnet, it is accepted by 176 countries worldwide making the application
process a one-time thing. In addition to declaring your commercial invoice as a temporary
import, you can get an ATA Carnet for the items that are of temporary
nature. ATA Carnets are beyond the scope of the article however, you can find
more information here: NOTE: It is highly recommended to get an ATA Carnet
for items that frequently travel in and out of the country and
especially so when it is valued over $2,500 USD |
In addition to choosing option 1 or 2, the following conditions must
also be met in order to qualify for a duty and VAT free exemption:
- The goods arrive and leave in the same condition, i.e. they undergo
no repairs nor are they used in manufacturing
- Stay no longer than 2 years in Croatia
- If the above conditions are not followed, duties and taxes will be
charged as though the goods have been imported permanently
- A shipment must be re-exported in its entirety, i.e. no splitting or
partial shipments are allowed to return to Canada
- Your customs broker can clear goods of a temporary nature (FedEx,
UPS, DHL, etc. typically cannot clear goods of a temporary nature)
Temporary Imports Checklist
- Commercial Invoice clearly stating 'Temporary Import'. This must be written
in the General Description section and the Detailed Description of Goods. (see sample)
- The goods arrive and leave in the same condition, i.e. they undergo no
repairs nor are they used in manufacturing
- Stay no longer than the period listed above
- Include your ATA Carnet with your shipment (if applicable)
- Include the expected return date or the date that it was originally received
within the country (whichever applies)
- Any above listed items not listed in this checklist
Sample Commercial Invoice for Temporary Imports
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Temporary Imports - Trade show booth and display equipment returning Jan 2020
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 box | Temporary Imports - Trade show booth and display equipment
| CA | $1032.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Temporary Imports Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $1032.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
All sold goods that enter Croatia will only incur duty if their value
is €150 (about $225 CAD) or more. Concerning VAT, all shipments
will incur this tax no matter their monetary value. All thresholds (de
minimis values) for VAT were eliminated as of 1 July 2021.
Occasional Shipper
An occasional shipment of a sold item will be duty-free if its
monetary value is less than €150 (about $225 CAD). However, VAT
will be collected by Croatian customs regardless of the value of the
parcel. There is no threshold or de minimis value below which taxes
are exempt.
Regular shipper
If you are a regular shipper of sold goods to Croatia, we recommend
that you employ the services of a licenced Croatian customs broker.
They will be able to assist you with customs clearance and obtaining
an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number.
Sample Commercial Invoice for Permanent/Sold Goods
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Croatia City 01001 Croatia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Permanent/Sold: Parts and accessories for Canon B78n camera
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
15 Each | Camera Lenses: Canon EF 50mm, Canon EF 85mm & wide-angle lenses.
| CA | $132.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Permanent/Sold Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $1980.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
The amount of duty and VAT owed by a Croatian recipient of a parcel is
calculated using the CIF value of the shipment - the sum of the customs
value added to the insurance costs and then added to the freight
By calculating the CIF value of your shipment, you will enable you to
predict what duty and VAT is owed by the recipient.
The duty threshold on imported goods* entering Croatia is €150
(about $225 CAD). This means that on shipments valued at €150 or
less, no duty will be incurred. However, regardless of the monetary
value of any shipment, VAT will be charged.
*Does not include tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, perfumes, and
eau de toilette.
Currency | Croatian kuna HRK |
Duty Exemption (De minimis Value) | €150 (about $225 CAD) |
Duty Calculation Method | CIF |
TAX (VAT) | 25% |
Tax Exemption
(De minimis Value) | N/A* |
Tax Calculation Method | CIF |
| |
*As of 1 July 2021, all imports will incur VAT regardless of their
Duties on Imports
Excise Taxes and Special Taxes
A number of shipped goods will incur either an excise duty or special
tax when they enter Croatia. Amongst them are:
- Tobacco and tobacco products
- Beer and other alcoholic beverages
- Coffee - roasted and extracts
- Soft drinks
- Syrups and concentrates
- Waters with added sugar or sweeteners
- Granules and powders for preparing soft drinks
The specific excise or special tax for the products above can be found
Most goods entering Croatia from Canada are duty-free as a result of
the Canada-EU free trade agreement (CETA).
- Candy0%
- Chocolate0%
- Spirits and winesVariable
- TobaccoVariable
- Books0%
- Documents0%
- Video games & consoles0%
- Computers & laptops0%
- Tablets0%
- Mobiles0%
- Cameras0%
- Accessories for Electronics0%
- Coats0%
- Beauty products & cosmetics0%
- Jewellery0%
- Shirts & pants0%
- Home appliances0%
- Toys0%
- Sports equipment0%