Types of
Not all types of shipments are created equal. Shipping a television will
require different paperwork, duties, and taxes than shipping an accounting
statement, for example.
Here is a list of the most common types of shipments:
You can also skip ahead to the table containing the list of
Commonly Required Documents.
Documents Only
Georgia allows the following items into its territory as a document
- Airline tickets
- Annual reports
- Blueprints
- Brochures, pamphlets, and price lists
- Computer print-outs
- Drawings
- Driver's licence
- Greeting cards and invitations
- Intercompany mail
- Maps
- Negotiable bonds and drafts
- Newspapers and periodicals
- Passports and visa applications
- Photographs
- Proposals
- Publications
- Traveller's cheques
Georgian customs officials will allow the tabled items below into the
country if they abide by the restriction shown.
Item | Restriction |
Cheques | Must be blank |
Diplomas | If parcel weighs less than 30 kg |
Envelopes | Must be blank |
Forms | Only if they are blank |
Newsletters | Only company newsletters are allowed |
Shipping Gifts
Provided a gift has been shipped from someone in Canada to a person in
Georgia, it will be exempt from import taxes under the following
- The parcel's value is 300 GEL or less (about $120 CAD)
- It is an occasional occurrence
- There has been no monetary transaction between the sender and
- The contents will not be sold
If the shipment's value is
greater than 300 GEL (about $120 CAD) as a result of containing
multiple gifts, the gifts with a value 300 GEL or less will be exempt
from import taxes.
Gifts of the following products are limited to the following amounts
if they are to enter Georgia duty and tax free:
- 4 L wine and 16 L beer
- 1 L of beverages with an alcohol content of 22%-plus
- 200 cigarettes or 50 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 g of loose
tobacco; or a proportional amount of the listed tobacco products
Shipments from Individual-to-Individual
A gift shipment from an individual in Canada to an individual living
in Georgia will be allowed entry duty and tax free if:
- Its value is no more than 300 GEL (about $120 CAD)
- The items are not for commercial purposes, i.e. they are not for
- It has been sent without any exchange of money
- It is not a regular occurrence, i.e. parcels only arrive
Shipments with the following items may be sent duty and tax free only
if they abide by the quantity limitations listed below:
- 250 g of loose tobacco or 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 50
cigarillos (or a proportional amount of these items)
- 1 L of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of 22% or greater
- 16 L of beer and 4 L of wine
Shipments with Multiple Gifts
If the individual gifts in such a parcel have a value of 300 GEL or
less (about $120 CAD), they will be duty and tax free.
Shipments from Business-to-Business
A gift shipment from a business in Canada to a business in Georgia
will incur duties and taxes regardless of the value of the parcel.
Shipments from Business-to-Individual
If a business in Canada ships a gift parcel to an individual in
Georgia, it will be liable to import duty and taxes even if it has
very little value.
Gift Checklist
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
- The words 'Gift Shipment' or 'Unsolicited Gift' are included on the
commercial invoice, even if the shipment is sent at Christmas time (see sample)
- List the items in the parcel and write the value of each
- Sending more than one gift in the parcel? Wrap and tag each one
Sample Commercial Invoice for Gifts
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Personal Shipment / Gift Shipment
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Gift Shipment: LEGO Star Wars Rebel UWing Fighter, 659 piece set
| CA | $79.99 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Gifts Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $79.99 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Multiple Gifts in One Shipment
If your shipment contains multiple gifts, each gift with a value of
300 GEL or less (about $120 CAD), may enter Georgia exempt from duty
and tax charges.
Shipments with multiple gifts should have each item wrapped and tagged
Sample Commercial Invoice for Gifts
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Unsolicited Gift: Consolidated Gift Package
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Gift - Roger: LEGO Star Wars Rebel UWing Fighter, 659 piece set
| CA | $39.99 |
1 Each | Gift - Erica: Handwoven French Canadian Catalogne Blanket
| CA | $49.99 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Gifts Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $89.98 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Shipping Personal Effects
Personal effects of Canadian residents moving to Georgia permanently
will be exempt from importation taxes as long as:
- The items have been in use by the claimant for at least 6 months
- The goods will be used in the new residence as they were in Canada
- The individual has lived outside of Georgia for a minimum of 12
continuous months
Consumables such as food,
tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages will be taxed.
Moving Temporarily
Students moving to Georgia will be allowed a duty and tax free entry
of their personal effects provided:
- The student will be studying full time in a Georgian educational
- The items are for the use of the student only
Personal effects may include the following items:
- New and used clothing and footwear
- Linens
- Equipment used during the student's studies, i.e. desk, chair,
books, computer
There is no information at this time regarding non-students moving
temporarily to Georgia from Canada with their personal effects.
Moving Permanently
Georgian citizens returning to live permanently in Georgia may ship
their personal effects exempt from duty fees provided:
- The value of the shipment is a maximum of 15,000 GEL (about $5,925
- The claimant has lived outside of Georgia for at least 6 months
- The goods comprise furniture and normal household effects, but
CANNOT include items to be sold or to make a living
Foodstuffs, alcoholic
beverages, and tobacco products are not exempt and will have duties
and taxes applied to them.
Canadian residents who move to Georgia permanently may import their
personal effects* duty and tax free provided:
- The claimant has lived outside of Georgia continuously for a minimum
of 1 year
- Their belongings are used and have been owned by them for a minimum
of 6 months
- The goods will be used for the same purposes in Georgia as they were
in Canada
*The following goods may NOT enter duty or tax free: alcoholic
beverages, tobacco products, and foodstuffs.
Personal Effects Checklist
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
- Commercial invoice must clearly indicate 'Personal Effects' (see sample)
- A detailed description of each item is provided
Sample Commercial Invoice for Personal Effects
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Personal effects being delivered to my new address.
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
5 Pairs | Personal Effects: 5 pairs of various types of shoes
| IN | $40.00 |
1 Each | Personal Effects: Arc'terix Winter Jacket
| CA | $478.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Personal Effects Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $678.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Food, Chocolate, Candies
Foodstuffs entering Georgia from Canada may enter duty-free up to a
value of 500 GEL (about $200 CAD) provided:
- The parcel weighs 30 kg or less
- The goods are not to be sold, i.e. they are not a commercial
- They are being sent to an individual, not a business
You May Ship
- Dried fruit
- Baby food, baby formula
- Special foods for medical diets
- Fish products (max. 5 kg)
- Tea, coffee
- Baked goods
- Candy
Do Not Ship
- Meat and meat products
- Dairy items
- Caviar
Food, Chocolate, Candies Checklist
- Clearly indicate 'Food' on the commercial invoice in the General Description
or Remarks section (see sample)
- Ensure that your food, chocolate, or candies may be imported into the
- You are not shipping commercial quantities (for any duty & tax exemption)
- Check with your carrier that they will accept food shipments
Sample Commercial Invoice for Food, Chocolate, Candies
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Food Shipment - Assorted chocolate bars in their original manufacturer's packaging
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Box | Nestle Chocolate Bars in original packaging expiring May 2021 (shelf life of 6 months or longer)
| CA | $20.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Permanent / Sold Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $20.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Commercial samples are shipped to a country to demonstrate and promote
goods. They are not for sale. (Customs authorities may require that
they be rendered unusable for sale.)
Samples entering Georgia will be exempt from import charges if they
are of low value and are destined for display for the purpose of
soliciting sales.
Commercial samples include items such as:
- Machinery and consumer goods manufactured outside of Georgia
- Consumables - food and beverage samples - that are for tasting at a
trade fair or similar exhibition
Commercial Sample Checklist
- A Commercial Invoice must be included with your shipment
- Clearly indicate 'Commercial Samples' on the commercial invoice in the
General Description & Detailed Description of Goods (see sample)
- The item shipped has tearing, perforation, slashing, defacing, or has
permanent marking clearing indicating the item as commercial sample
Sample Commercial Invoice for Commercial Sample
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Commercial Sample - Not for Resale
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Box | Commercial Sample - Advanced reading copy of Dan Brown's novel.
| CA | $20.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Commercial Sample Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $20.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Advertising Material
Advertising may enter Georgia duty and tax free if it is either
printed material or samples provided they are sent at no charge to the
In the case of printed materials, the shipment must:
- Have a maximum weight of 1 kg
- Be an occasional event, i.e. it is NOT one of a series of several
shipments from the same sender to the same recipient
Printed material must show the name of the company that produces,
sells, or rents the item or services being advertised. Advertising
includes items like:
- Brochures and catalogues
- Price lists
- Instructional materials
- Calendars
- Unframed photographs
Advertising Material Checklist
- Commercial invoice must clearly indicate 'Promotional Material - Not for
Resale' (see sample)
- A detailed description of each item is provided
Sample Commercial Invoice for Promotional Material
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Promotional Material - Not for Resale
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Promotional Material: Not for Resale. Product pamphlets to hand out at trade show.
| CA | $163.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Promotional Material Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $163.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Equipment and machinery shipped to Georgia from Canada for repairs
will be charged import duties and taxes.
Items Under Warranty
Machinery and equipment shipped to Canada from Georgia under a
warranty will be allowed a duty-free re-entry into Georgia provided
the work was done at no charge.
Items No Longer Under Warranty
Goods no longer under warranty that are repaired in Canada will incur
import duty and taxes when they are returned to Georgia. As well,
Canadian GST will be applied to the repair charges and on any parts
used to effect the repair.
Sending Product for Repair to Georgia
Goods sent to Georgia for repair will be liable to importation taxes
and duties.
Returning Repaired Product to Georgia
Provided goods were repaired in Canada at no charge because of
warranty obligations, they will be exempt from duty fees when they
re-enter Georgia.
Repair Checklist
- Commercial invoice must clearly indicate 'REPAIR & RETURN' under the General
Description or Remarks, and include the estimated time of return(see sample)
- Include repair contract with shipment
- Serial or product number and the cost of repairs should be indicated under
the Detailed Description of Goods section
- Include the original shipping documents or tracking number from when the
item was first exported to Georgia or exported to Canada (depending on
which case applies)
- A commercial invoice must be included with your shipment
Sample Commercial Invoice for Warranty Repair
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Repair and Return - Watch being sent for repair
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
1 Each | Fossil Watch being sent for repair - Model E5, serial # 789456FG7E2 - Repair Cost $76.00
| US | $163.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Warranty Repair Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $163.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Permanent/Sold Goods
Sold goods entering Georgia from Canada will be duty-free up to a
value of 300 GEL (about $120 CAD); however, all items regardless of
their value will incur VAT.
Occasional Shipper
Goods sold on an occasional basis to Georgians from Canada, for
example through eBay, will be allowed a duty-free entry if the
shipment's value is 300 GEL or less (about $120). Note, however, the
shipment will be charged VAT no matter the value of the parcel.
Regular shipper
Commercial enterprises that regularly ship sold goods to Georgia are
recommended to employ the services of a licenced Georgian customs
Sample Commercial Invoice for Permanent/Sold Goods
Ship To | Invoice |
Miguel Ángel Asturias Calle 24 3-81 Georgia City 01001 Georgia
Phone: +502 2208 7777 | Carrier tracking number: 736534736 General Description: Permanent/Sold: Parts and accessories for Canon B78n camera
Invoice number: 123456MGEP4916926 Customs Broker: UPS Date: 28 May 2023 |
QTY | Description of Goods | C/O | SubTotal |
15 Each | Camera Lenses: Canon EF 50mm, Canon EF 85mm & wide-angle lenses.
| CA | $132.00 |
Terms of Sale: None Total number of packages: 1 Reason for export: Permanent/Sold Contact Name: James Smith
| Total Invoice Amount: $1980.00 Total Weight: 10.0 lbs
Declaration Statement: I hereby certify that information provided
is true and complete to the best of my knowledge |
Duty & Taxes
Shipments entering Georgia will incur duties and taxes, which are
calculated on the CIF value of the parcel - that is, the sum of the
customs plus insurance amount plus freight costs.
If you calculate the CIF value of your shipment before sending it off to
Georgia, you will have an estimate of the duty and taxes that will be
owed by the recipient.
The threshold on goods* entering Georgia is 300 GEL (about $120 CAD).
Also known as the de minimis value, the threshold is the amount below
which no duty charges are incurred. VAT is applied to all shipments
regardless of their value.
The parcel must weigh 30 kg
or less for the threshold to apply.
*Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products may enter Georgia duty-free
up to the 300 GEL value and to the quantity limits as outlined
Currency | Georgian Lari GEL |
Duty Exemption (De minimis Value) | GEL 300 (about $120 CAD) |
Duty Calculation Method | CIF |
TAX (VAT) | 18% |
Tax Exemption
(De minimis Value) | N/A |
Tax Calculation Method | CIF |
| |
Duties on Imports
Excise Duties
Georgian authorities apply excise taxes to alcoholic beverages and
tobacco products. Details for these goods may be found
- Candy12%
- Chocolate5%
- Spirits and winesVariable*
- TobaccoVariable*
- Books0%
- Documents0%
- Video games & consoles0%
- Computers & laptops0%
- Tablets0%
- Mobiles0%
- Cameras0%
- Accessories for Electronics0%
- Coats0%
- Beauty products & cosmetics0%
- Jewellery12%
- Shirts & pants0%
- Home appliances0%
- Toys0%
- Sports equipment0%