Which is the cheapest courier from Canada to India?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to that question. Parcel courier prices vary based on various factors such as the size and weight of the shipment, how quickly you want it to arrive in India, and where specifically in the country the package is destined. Also, couriers have different set points in their costing structures, all other factors being equal.
And there are a number of other potential fees such as insurance, taxes, handling, and seasonal surcharges that could add to your shipping costs. So while this may seem complicated and overwhelming, Secureship’s intuitively easy shipping platform allows you to compare prices, schedule pickups, and track your shipment to India, or anywhere domestically or abroad.
Table of Contents
- Parcel’s Size and Weight
- Parcel’s Arrival Time
- Parcel’s Destination
- Conclusion
Parcel’s Size and Weight
It is no surprise that larger or heavier parcels will cost more to ship from Canada to India, or anywhere for that matter. However, it is not as simple as that because carriers use a formula to determine what is called the billable weight of a package. The result is that two parcels of the same weight could be charged different shipping fees.
Billable weight is calculated by measuring the volume of the box (length x width x height) and dividing that by 139 (if they are using Imperial units). The resulting number is compared to the parcel’s actual weight. The billable weight is the bigger of the two numbers. Therefore, one way of saving money is to use a smaller box for the shipment.
Also be aware that for an irregularly shaped box, it will be measured at its longest point for each side as shown in the diagrams below.
So, just because a box is smaller overall, it won’t necessarily result in a smaller billable weight.
Parcel’s Arrival Time
Distance and accessibility of the destination are two key factors that affect when a parcel will arrive in India from Canada. So, India being more than 10,000 kilometres away from any Canadian city means overnight delivery is a non-starter. However, using either FedEx Priority or UPS Express services will get your parcel to a major Indian city in 3 business days. If that is beyond your company’s budget for the parcel, you can save a few dollars for its arrival in 5 business days.
And if delivery time is of far less importance, then you can save more money by using surface transport, as offered by Canada Post, which may take the parcel anywhere from 1 - 3 months to arrive.
Parcel’s Destination
Our discussion thus far assumes your parcel is destined for a major clearing city in India. But many Indians live in smaller cities, towns, and villages hundreds of kilometres from Mumbai, Kolkata, or Delhi. So, if your parcel is headed to a countryside destination, you could easily tack on an extra week to the parcel’s travel time.
And there are other factors that may delay parcel delivery to India over which you and couriers have little or no control. For instance, well known to all Canadians: winter weather. Be it major snow, ice, or wind storms, any one of them can tangle transportation networks and delay deliveries by one or two days.
Also, there are seasonal fluctuations in the shipping volume business. The major one being the Christmas season, which surprisingly starts around November 1st! If at all possible, plan to ship your parcels sooner rather than later.
In summary, smaller, lighter parcels ship for less money, of course; but because of the parcel’s calculated billable weight, using a smaller box for the same items will save you shipping costs.
And India’s distance from Canada makes parcel delivery a multi-day affair, which is only extended if the destination is outside a major centre. Secureship’s advice – include extra time to your shipping plans because unforeseen weather or logistical problems could easily add several days to the parcel’s projected arrival time.